GeoAgro privacy and data security policy

This privacy policy applies to all services provided by GeoAgro, including but not limited to mobile applications, websites, and cloud services.

All information provided by GeoAgro users will be handled in accordance with applicable regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and any other relevant legislation.

GeoAgro has created this privacy and security statement to demonstrate our commitment to customer privacy. The privacy and security of information are of great importance to us. As we collect important and confidential information from our clients, we have established this statement to communicate our practices for collecting and storing information. We reserve the right to change this statement from time to time and will notify you of any changes at least thirty (30) business days before they take effect. We will also provide instructions on how users can contact us if they have any comments.


We require GeoAgro users to provide contact information, such as name, company name, address, phone number, and email address. We also collect information about your fields, harvested area, yield, and other related information.

GeoAgro uses this information solely to provide services to individuals and their organizations, improve our services, and meet legal obligations. Customer data is kept private and confidential and is not disclosed or shared with any other company or entity during the course of service contracts and after such contracts have expired.

GeoAgro retains users' personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws. Users have the right to request the deletion of their data at any time.

All GeoAgro executives and employees have signed confidentiality agreements. It is the user's responsibility to keep login information private and confidential.

security with Google

At the time of login, GeoAgro obtains relevant user information such as name, surname, email, and profile picture, as well as the credentials provided by Google (access token and refresh token) related to the user. These are encrypted with an asymmetric encryption system using a 4096-bit private key and are then stored on our servers for later use in different services that allow us to provide users with final products, such as reports. GeoAgro does not share this information with any third party unless required by law or to fulfill legal obligations.

For more details on how Google handles access tokens and refresh tokens, please refer to the following official documentation:

Access token:

Refresh token:

Network security

GeoAgro's Information Systems have several security measures in place to help protect against data loss, misuse, and alteration under our control.

GeoAgro will take reasonable and prudent precautions to ensure that your personally identifiable information is protected against unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

Network protection measures include:

  • Transport Layer Security: All data uploaded to the FarmOnline web platform, GeoAgro 360, is transported using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates to ensure data confidentiality.
  • Firewalls: Firewalls are used to restrict access to external network systems and between internal systems. By default, all access is denied, and only explicitly permitted ports and protocols based on business needs are allowed. Each system is assigned to a security group based on the system's function. Security groups restrict access only to the ports and protocols necessary for a specific system function to mitigate risks.


GeoAgro is committed to maintaining confidentiality and not disclosing, by any means, whether oral or written, any information obtained as a result of its business relationship and this proposal, whether technical, financial, economic, or commercial information, including information related to the products of either party and/or other products distributed and/or marketed by each party, new product launches, advertising and/or promotional campaigns, pricing and credit policies, or of any other nature.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at: [email protected]